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Concentrix Cvg International Nordic AB

Concentrix Cvg International Nordic AB

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Stream is a global business-to-business software services provider with sales locations, operations and contact centers throughout North America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. The company provides enterprise software management and contact center solutions th

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1 omdömen om Concentrix Cvg International Nordic AB

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Khazeema K
Skrev om Concentrix Cvg International Nordic AB

I worked there for 2 month and then resigned because it's a very bad job with very bad working conditions: a lot of bullying and conflicts (the leaders also bully the workers) and I was cheated out of my salary twice and when i complained about it i was threatened with a resignination letter. It was only when Unionen contacted them that they payed my salary with great grudges and from there on I was bullied by the HR manager and the team leader which is why i resigned.

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